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Keeping in touch...

Whether it's a mobie phone, broadband or sending stuff home here's some tips.

Mobile Phones


There are many mobile networks here, the cheapest are on 30 day rolling contracts with GoMo, 48 or eir. If you have an unlocked handset simply slip in a new SIM card and you should be good to go.





There's a wide range of broadband providers in Ireland, in urban areas the most popular would be Virgin Media, Eir or Sky who also offer pay TV, landline and a mobile service. Often buying together (commonly called a bundle) is cheaper.



For package price comparisons see









The Post Office


An Post is the national postal service here. They have a network of post offices (beware some close during the lunch break!). Some are open on Saturdays but none on Sundays. 


An Post also sell foreign currency (Sterling and Dollars), mobile phone credit, insurance, even Itunes credit. Some offices also act as an agent for DHL.

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